Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hello everybody! This blog will allow you to follow along on my journey in Cambodia.  I will accompany MaryAnne Herron from the Harold Grinspoon Charitable Foundation.  MaryAnne is responsible for overseeing five schools in villages outside of the capitol, Phnom Penh, as well as overseeing a medical clinic to help take care of children and families.  I will be filming here to create a documentary on what the foundation does for the people of Cambodia.  In addition I will be helping MaryAnne with the many events she has planned. Thank you to all who are following... I look forward to keeping you updated everyday!


Thank you to all of those who made this trip possible!

Brenda Garton

Harold Grinspoon

MaryAnne Herron

Dean Zern

Eric Zahm

Dean Ghahramani

Richard Keating

My parents

WNEC bookstore

And many others from the Western New England College Community…


  1. Brittany!

    It's great to hear from you and see your blog. I did get your e-mail Saturday - and I had the most delightful conversation with your mom on the phone this afternoon.

    I will be following you on your blog.

    All my best to you and MaryAnne -

  2. Brittany, you are just amazing.I think its absolutly beautiful on what you are doing with your life,Your parents must be so proud. i am definitly following your journey. i have a little boy from africa in which ive been sponsering now for 2 years.some day my dream is to actually meet him.just goes to show you how much we are really blessed with in our lives.keep up the great journey and be safe.looking forward to following you and your terrific journey
    god bless
    janet albert
